: Episode 949 – Vinnie & Anna talk about cord-cutting and rant about some outrageously-priced holiday gifts, Gwyneth Paltrow’s ass, Robert De Niro’s cut physique in Cape Fear, and the strong possibility that the sugar industry is complicit in the deaths of millions.
- Thanksgiving is finally over, so now Christmas songs can play with impunity
- Holiday gifts becoming more and more expensive
- The most useless things cost hundreds and thousands of dollars
- Get your family something useful, or something homemade and more thoughtful
- Marketing gets all this stuff to sell but it is ridiculous
- For example, Neiman Marcus is grossly expensive
- “Needless Markup”
- Their holiday catalog contains things like advent calendars of socks, and it is $475… WHAT??!?!?
- For example, Neiman Marcus is grossly expensive
- Millions and millions have died at the hands of the sugar industry
- Industry knows what it is doing yet continues to do it
- A mass murderer, driven by the big exec’s want for economic gain
- Help fund government studies which posit a diet that leads to our health issues and some folks’ deaths
- Until the real science comes out and people start to speak up, this will continue to happen
- We need to hold the industry responsible and stop buying the cr@p!