: Episode 948 – Podcaster and listener Aaron Weinbaum (Aaron Says What Podcast) talks about his NSNG success story, his love of cycling and being very active with his kids.
- Aaron is an avid listener and NSNG lover
- Lost a great deal of weight
- Amazing before and after pics
- So much healthier now!
- Hails from Missouri (pretty close to Lonnie Beauchamp!)
- Found Vinnie via the Carolla effect
- Aaron started walking, then got too good at that and got into biking
- Started just riding around
- Now he’s a full fledged mountain bike
- 50 mile race recently
- Does a one to three hour ride
- All his body can handle, he had suffered a bad neck injury
- Has his own podcast which you should definitely check out
- Aaron loves being active with his kids
- His 6 year old son loves mountain biking
- Saves up money to fund his habit
- Young kid raised funds for his new bike so that he could get really into it
- “You get your kids into bikes young, they’ll never have money for drugs”
- Very true statement
- Aaron does it with him!
- Teaching his kids to fall down and get back up
- Saves up money to fund his habit
- His 6 year old son loves mountain biking
- Has six kids!
- Show up when you’re supposed to, work and try hard, and you will get noticed