It’s Tuesday and that means we have Anna and Vinnie trying to play nice. Today’s guest is Daniel Tisi, who is a registered dietician from Canada and works in a hospital setting. He has seen the physical and psychological benefits of Paleo and NSNG life styles. Daniel T contacted Vinnie because he is frustrated and angry…and Vinnie loves angry people.
What Daniel is Angry About
- He has researched and seen the benefits of eating Paleo/NSNG
- It has been 11 years since he earned a Masters in Nutrition…They are still teaching calories-in/calories out and fats are bad
- Daniel is frustrated because he has to fight hospitals and gets no support
What Does He See at the Hospital
- They have morbidly obese people reduce their fat intake and count calories
- When Daniel started slowly introducing a more Paleo-like diet, he began to see changes
- His patients saw great results and the hospital didn’t want to hear about it
Doctors Go With Government Programs
- That is what is being financially supported
- Don’t stop and ask “How is what we are doing helping patients, especially long-term patients?”
- Hospitals choose not to face the facts
- This applies to mental health as well
Standards in Nutrition are all the Same
- All government funded
- Institutions don’t want to lose funding so are scared to change
- It took Daniel almost 4 years to get salmon on the menu
More About Daniel Tisi…