In today’s episode, Vinnie and Dean Lorey answer listener questions about fitness for runners, fitness over 40, Serena and Wendy, Vinnie’s shoulder surgery and Vinnie kinda flipping out when a listener, known as Jess, says that Vinnie got cancer because he eats meat! Worth the price of admission…
Dean the Kayaker Asks How is Fitness Different After 40
- Muscle builds up at the same rate at 40 as it does at 20
- Need more down time and need to start easy
- Body adapts…24 – 48 hours between workouts is good
Courtney Asks What Exercises Are Good for Running
- Runner’s upper body not used
- Planks help build core, overhead press, rowing and/or lat pulls
- Ham strings are important and need to be worked
- Quads also need to be worked
Serena and Wendy Want to Know Why Vinnie Doesn’t Fix His Shoulder
- Vinnie is concerned that the surgery needs a lot of downtime for recovery and he doesn’t have that kind of time to spare
- Vinnie is always in pain…Football ripped his shoulder to bits
- Very little range of motion in shoulder
- Surgery can only be done once since there is very little bone to work with
A Caller Named Jess
- Apparently, Jess believes Vinnie got cancer because he eats meat!
- And Vinnie, in Vinnie’s unique way, lets Jess know he is wrong
- Vinnie “gently” explains to Jess that cancer can strike anyone and while diet can help…it does not exclusively cause or cure disease