As most of you know, I was very proud to announce a longtime dream of mine, which was to produce the world’s best multivitamin supplement. How can I make a statement this bold? Easy. But before I answer that question, I want to answer another one: Why should we take a multivitamin supplement at all?
A long time ago, scientists discovered that there are 13 essential vitamins that are needed to keep human beings alive. Although our bodies can make certain vitamins, the 13 essential vitamins must be consumed through our food. It’s imperative that we get them every day. But even with a perfect diet, we could still lack one or more of these essential vitamins and or 11 key minerals. And when you factor in an environment filled with exhaust pollution, propellants, and other environmental stressors, these vitamins and nutrients become that much more critical. Although a lot of us try to eat pure, organic, local meats and produce, it’s very easy to fall short, because of lifestyle and availability. The point is, we can no longer afford to rely solely on our food intake to provide sufficient supplies of these essential vitamins and key minerals.
The problem is, virtually all multivitamin supplements available on the market are full of extra ingredients that not only are unnecessary, but can actually be harmful. Which was why I’ve always wanted to create my own version, which brings me back to my bold statement about producing the world’s best multivitamin.
While designing Pure Vitamin Club, I was told countless times that what I wanted to do couldn’t be done. So every time I was told no, I found a way to make it work. Here are a few of those things:
I was told that my vitamin would need excipients, or “flow agents,” which are added to vitamins in order to keep the formula flowing smoothly through the machinery that puts it into the capsules or tablets that wind up on your shelves. They add no nutritional value whatsoever. In fact, many of the various things used as excipients can actually be harmful, as well as impede the proper absorption of the nutrients in your vitamin.
I was told that I would have to use fillers, literally to “fill up” the capsule and fool the consumer into thinking they were getting more for their money, rather than looking at a half-empty capsule. Instead, I designed the formula so that the capsule would have the optimum level of actual nutrients rather than just cosmetic junk.
I was also told that chemicals like “titanium dioxide” could whitewash my vitamins, so that we could then put in “caramel color,” making them a nice orange, thereby making them more “appetizing” to the customers. This sounded like crazy talk to me. Adding two chemicals just to fool the customer?
I was also told that selling them right above my actual cost would be a deterrent, because people would expect to pay 5 or 10 times more for a product of this quality. But I didn’t want to just make it for people with high six-figure incomes, I wanted to make it for everybody.
In the end, I was able to defy all the naysayers, and produce the Pure Vitamin Club Daily Multicap with no excipients, no fillers, no mineral whiteners, no artificial colors – NOTHING except the actual nutrients themselves, using the finest ingredients possible, and delivering the whole thing at a truly affordable price.
And that’s why I call Pure Vitamin Club “the world’s best multivitamin supplement.” You can read about them here; order a 30 day supply here; or a 90 day supply here.