Today’s guest, Dean Karnazes, is an internationally recognized endurance athlete and NY Times bestselling author of “Ultramarathon Man”, “50/50” and “RUN!” Among his many accomplishments, he has run 350 continuous miles, foregoing sleep for three nights. He’s run across Death Valley in 120 degree temperatures, and he’s run a marathon to the South Pole in negative 40 degrees. Vinnie discusses with Dean discuss the life-changing decision he made on his 30th birthday, his life as an endurance athlete and the challenges he has faced.
How Dean Began to Run Again
- Dean was married and worked in the corporate world. He hated what he was doing
- Felt he had to support his family but realized he had to change
- On his 30th birthday he got drunk and at 11:00 pm decided to run 30 miles. He hadn’t run in a decade
- Running brought him freedom and passion
- His story encourages people to live life the way they want to
Dean’s Diet
- No refined or processed food
- Nothing that comes out of a bag
- His hero and mentor, Jack LaLanne, said, “If man made it, don’t eat it and if it tastes good, spit it out”
- Elliptical bicycle…gives a high intensity, low impact workout
- Fantastic device…emulates the motion of running without impact
- Have advantage on climbs
- You are standing upright
Tragedy and Grief
- Dean’s sister was killed in a car accident on the eve of her 18th birthday
- They were very close and Dean went through the stages of grief starting with denial
- It took him a decade to get over it
- Altered the course of his life
How Does Dean Handle Critics
- At first he was shocked and took it personally
- Never tried to come off as the best
- Most of his worst critics have never even met him
- Matthew McConaughey told him, “Haters are gonna hate. So move on, get over it”
Books: “Ultramarathon Man”
“RUN! 26.2 Stories of Blisters and Bliss”