Check out our latest episode on Vinnie TV: Don’t Eat Paint!
Have you notice that little section on your vitamin label where they list the “Other Ingredients”? Those are the ingredients that have nothing to do with the health benefits the supplement is meant to provide. None of these are remotely necessary, and can even be harmful.
But perhaps the worst of these “Other Ingredients,” is something called “Titanium Dioxide.” Titanium Dioxide is used as a “mineral whitener” to strip out the natural color, so that they can then put in an artificial color.
Titanium Dioxide is dangerous, and shouldn’t be ingested. It has been indicated in such ailments as Crohn’s Disease, colon cancer, kidney damage and immune function problems.
Do you know what other products contain Titanium Dioxide? PAINT! Yes, it’s what’s used to make that nice white paint SO white. It’s also used in many sunscreen products (where it also doesn’t belong and is unnecessary, carrying with it serious health risks).
Leave the titanium dioxide in the paint, not your vitamins.
Don’t eat paint! Pure Vitamin Club vitamins have no artificial fillers or chemicals added.
No titanium dioxide. No paint. Just pure vitamins.
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