: Episode 638 – Anna and Vinnie take time debunking Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s medical experts. They go through one of his 2 minute health videos in detail and show how it is full of contradictions, misleading imagery, and confusing statements. It’s no wonder that Americans are so confused about what is healthy and what is not. #circle #zero
- Neurosurgeon and reporter
- Wanted to be Surgeon General (could be, one day [hopefully not])
- Often on CNN for health related stuff
- Constantly contradicts himself
- Reads off of teleprompter
- People who write for him have no idea what they’re talking about
- Try to sell “Standard American Diet” = SAD
- His videos lend themselves to allow Vinnie to begin debunking Sanjay Gupta
- He is saying that some carbs are healthy and some are unhealthy BUT then he says they ALL DO THE SAME THING
- So how are some healthy and some unhealthy if they turn out the same in your body?
- This is why the American people are so confused
- In 42 seconds, he has talked in a complete circle
- He says fruits, vegetables, candy, honey (simple carbs) are processed quickly which is bad because it turns into sugar quickly
- He just called fruit good now he’s saying it is bad?
- How can vegetables be grouped with candy?
- :52 seconds
- He says other carbs give you longer sustained energy from complex carbs — potatoes, beans, BREAD
- Potatoes in REALITY are very sugary and cause glycogen load / glucose spike
- He is claiming they are really good
- He says whole grains are good
- Wait, but popcorn is a grain and he just said it was bad?
- Potatoes in REALITY are very sugary and cause glycogen load / glucose spike
- He links Watermelon and Popcorn in the video
- In reality, Watermelon has a VERY LOW glycemic index because of water content, and now he has said popcorn is BAD but grains (which popcorn is) are good?
- These two things are incomparable
- Only thing Vinnie and Sanjay agree upon is that sugar not used for energy (for most people, most of it) turns into fat!
- 1:52 of a 2:09 minute video is the first time Sanjay speaks the truth after he has confused and misguided everyone
- First time we hear fat in the video
- He says a double cheeseburger is bad although he just said grains are good
- The general public thinks the meat and cheese is bad, so is Sanjay implying that the meat and cheese is bad or the grain (which he previously said was good) is bad
- In reality, the only healthy part is the meat and cheese and lettuce and tomato!
- He links fat to a chicken wing as if no good fats exist
- SO confusing and deliberately misleading