: Episode 637 – Listener Jim asks Vinnie for advice on overcoming the temptations that derail his NSNG journey. Jim is a very large man and Vinnie recommends that he seek professional help.
- Works a job at a software company in Culver City
- Found Vinnie from Abel James
- Is around 500lbs and has been for a good while
- He’d diet, lose 50-100 and then gain back 150-200lbs
- Is 52 years old and 5’7″
- Has only been able to do NSNG for 8 days without eating sugar or grains
- Getting the momentum is the hardest part!
- It really is hard to not fall off the wagon
- Vinnie thinks he needs to find a way to get to 30 days of NSNG
- Get your body moving in the right direction
- Obesity Code by Jason Fung is a great read
- There is no shame in seeking professional help for sugar and grain addiction
- Seek professionals like Fung or Rosedale who can help your body settle down from what has been going on
- Jim isn’t weak — it is an addiction and one can be strong and still feel the need to give in
- Food is one of the hardest addictions to break
- Vinnie believes he needs to find this help now
- A doctor can help him monitor what he is doing