- Attended film school at Cal State Northridge
- He met people there, but it was frustrating because they didn’t have a directing program
- He just made his own films over the summer
- Made an amazing documentary on the band Chicago
- On various movie providers, check it out!
- His uncle was in the band at one point
- CNN aired this documentary
- Catch it on Netflix
- Peter had to lose weight himself
- He was told to cut bread and sweets
- He was on the road while he began to ate better
- Moving around a good deal
- Lost 90 lbs in about a year and a half
- 169 lbs
- While he was making the film, he gained about 70 lbs back
- Up to 238 again
- Followed NSNG and lost about 22 lbs since he started in September
- Up to 238 again