: Episode 704 — Listener Aaron joins Vinnie for a second Saturday show to ask about ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s, NSNG’s effects on these, and more.
- He follows Vinnie on Twitter
- He has not booked a call with Vinnie, but YOU can at vinnietortorich.com
- Found Vinnie through the Carolla Effect
- Aaron has always had trouble with nutrition, so he checked Vinnie out because he was a breath of fresh air
- Aaron had ulcerative colitis
- This is just around the colon
- Crohn’s is more widespread, from your mouth all the way down to the exit
- Aaron uses NSNG to help deal with his stomach/digestive problems
- He was on some experimental drugs that did work for Crohn’s but did not work for ulcerative colitis
- He essentially just did whatever the doctors told him to
- Although you can’t make Crohn’s go away, Vinnie’s brother’s Crohn’s disease has gotten less and less bad
- NSNG makes it so people with Crohn’s don’t have to go number 2 10+ times a day
- Vinnie’s bro only has to go 4 times a day, HUGE difference
- Your body can’t digest food the way that a normal, healthy body can because of inflammation
- Thus, eating inflammatory foods like sugar and grains just makes everything so much worse!
- NSNG is NOT a cure, just helps