: Episode 675 – Andy Schreiber joins Vinnie Tortorich today to discuss testosterone replacement therapy and Andy shares his personal experience with several forms of it on this episode of podcast.
- Andy used to apply a testosterone gel
- It was supposed to help his sluggishness
- It did give him a bit more energy
- for “Low T” (BS marketing)
- Doesn’t use testosterone therapy anymore because it stopped working
- And, his insurance stopped paying for it
- No generic version at that time
- The alternative was injectable
- Then Andy started “shooting up”
- Did that for a couple years, and it did bring his levels way up
- Eventually stopped taking it ultimately he didn’t have health insurance for a brief period
- Never went back on because he levels were high 200s and that is good enough
- Now, testosterone replacement therapy is marketed as being needed for so many men who do not need it