: Episode 676 — Dr. Ted Naiman, Low Carb High Fat expert, joins Vinnie to talk about how to burn fat not sugar with a LCHF diet.
- Family medicine physician
- Was first a mechanical engineer
- Became disillusioned and wanted to take up medicine
- Was first a mechanical engineer
- Helps Vinnie answer Twitter questions — people ask him the same question
- Helps a lot of patients with metabolic issues
- Agrees with Vinnie that only about 20% of people can get away with eating much of what they want without getting fat
- Check out his website here
- Believes in a low carb high fat diet much like Vinnie
- Nutrient dense!
- About 15 minutes of exercise (body weight resistance) 2 days a week
- He has seen incredible results both in changing one’s body and changing one’s health with this diet
- LCHF can help diabetics, anemic people, etc.
- Eating this way burns fat instead of sugar
- Agrees that veganism is kind of like cannibilism — you are eating stored body fat to make up for what you are not consuming
- Ends up being a high fat, high protein, highly carniverous diet
- This is why people lose so much weight
- This is why people lose so much weight
- Ends up being a high fat, high protein, highly carniverous diet