: Episode 669 – Listener Betsy joins Vinnie today to ask about magnesium and the effect it has on sleep.
- Active on the FB page and got a Twitter to interact with Vinnie
- Betsy is 30, from Georgia
- Betsy has been having trouble sleeping
- Very sensitive to light and noise
- She has tried everything to no avail
- Betsy already takes the PVC Multicap
- She wants to know if she should supplement the PVC Multivitamin WITH Magnesium
- Americans tend to have low magnesium levels
- One of the reasons is due to depletion of the soil
- People don’t rotate crops or anything like that anymore
- Not getting proper amount of magnesium in the foods we are eating
- One of the reasons is due to depletion of the soil
- Our bodies NEED magnesium
- Vitamin D is also necessary
- Milk of magnesia helps constipated people pass their bowel movements
- Causes a relaxing effect
- The PVC Broad Spectrum Magnesium relaxes you but not enough to poop your pants
- Has a calming effect and people sleep better
- Obviously not a cure all- while it can definitely help and supplement other sleep aids, if you have insomnia or other sleeping issues, you may need more than just magnesium