: Episode 647 – Andy ask Vinnie about why (and when) he uses MCT oil instead of butter…
- Pure Vitamin Club
- More vitamins than ever have been selling!
- Amazon has a very specific way they like to do things
- They need specific quantities, methods of shipment, container requirements, etc.
- At purevitaminclub.com, we try not to waste anything
- Usually, Vinnie and Andy pack the vitamins for Amazon by hand
- They may have to start looking at a warehouse because the vitamins are taking off!
- Andy was used to cooking with only butter and olive oil
- Vinnie, however, often uses coconut oil from Trader Joes
- Coconut Oil = MCT Oil
- Vinnie cooks with this 70% of the time
- Medium chain triglycerides
- It is energy currency more than just another sat fat (although MCT is a sat fat but has those medium chain triglycerides)
- Great for fat-adapted folks
- Medium chain triglycerides
- Butter is also good and will give you energy if you’re fat-adapted
- But, butter hardly has any Medium chain triglycerides in it
- More long chain in general
- But, butter hardly has any Medium chain triglycerides in it
- Your body would prefer to use MCT oil as energy as opposed to longer chain triglycerides
- MCT is essentially a “cleaner burning fuel” than butter