: Episode 659 — Andy Schreiber and Vinnie Tortorich talk Idiocracy, soda, and water, on this Wednesday edition of the Fitness Confidential Podcast.
- Parts of this movie are kind of coming true!
- In the movie, the watrer fountains spew gatorade
- Nobody drinks water
- Sugary takes over, which is happening in real life too
- Similar to questions Vinnie gets on Twitter
- People always asking what they can drink
- People more and more are relying on sugary drinks instead of water
- Andy did drink lots of sugary drinks when he was young, but Vinnie only had them as a treat (Coke)
- The Coke sat hidden outside on the porch, his family did not have soda in the main fridge, nor did Andy’s although he drank them more
- Coke in Vinnie’s house was largely there for company
- Vinnie would only get a Coke on special celebrations or at the barber shop
- Vinnie was more interesting in watching the Coke come out of the vending machine
- In Vinnie’s world there is tea, coffee, water, and soda water, and whiskey or scotch
- You don’t need sugar in coffee — eat NSNG and your coffee will start tasking sweeter!
- Andy used to be addicted to soda and used to ALWAYS put artificial sweeteners in his coffee
- When he gave it all up, he did not like the taste
- NOW on NSNG he likes it so much more without the chemicals and can really taste the good flavor of the coffee
- Starbucks is selling poison and tries to hide sugar wherever they can in their drinks
- Careful when you order that they aren’t sneaking sugar