Episode 639 – Vinnie and Andy Schreiber clear up the very prevalent confusion, as seen on Twitter, around pre & post-workout nutrition.
- Vinnie had his Ream and Run surgery by Dr. Matsen just about a year ago
- He was on a Friday show
- Literally changed Vinnie’s life
- He had prior been walking around like a cripple and now has near full range of motion!
- Wasn’t able to ride his bike for the last couple of years before his surgery
- Now, he can ride again, slow and steady
- At the moment, he can ride like 2 hours without pain instead of 30 minutes
- Now, he can ride again, slow and steady
- You don’t need a powder or potion
- That is ALL Bro Science
- If you are NSNG and your body knows how to use ketones and fat, you may not need to eat before!
- For example, this morning Vinnie had 2 eggs with 3 yolks with some MCT oil, full fat cream in his espresso, then rode 4 hours later without re-fueling
- Vinnie grabbed one tiny piece of beef jerky (NSNG jerky) as he walked out the door
- When Vinnie got off his bike, he had some salami and some hard cheese (Romano) and water
- Then he went to the shooting range
- You don’t need glutamine or anything like that
- “Recovery Drinks” are BS
- Might as well not have worked out and had a candy bar instead