: Episode 635 — Andy Schreiber joins Vinnie Tortorich today on the Wednesday edition of the Celebrity Fitness Trainer podcast to discuss Tina Louise, and eating schedules, including the 6 meal/day diet plan that simply does not work.
- 5pm when this show was recorded
- Vinnie is drinking espresso
- Keeps Vinnie ‘in line’
- Vinnie doesn’t necessarily recommend this to most as the caffeine really affects a lot of peoples’ sleep cycles
- Andy is drinking some Glenfiddich on the rocks
- Sign up for a phone call with Vinnie
- 30 mins or an hour
- People have been asking recently about 6 meals a day
- 1983 called and wants their diet plan back
- This is silly
- Eat when you are hungry, eat until you are full.
- A few minutes after you eat sugar and grains, you want to eat again
- Ex: after Chinese food, you’re ready to eat again in 20 minutes
- It takes 3 hours for the content of your stomach to empty
- But when you eat carbs you’re hungry within an hour
- This is because of your hormones kicking in
- Grelin, and leptin
- Listen to Jason Fung or Rosedale podcasts to hear more about this
- If you are eating sugar and grains, your switches will become dull, and you will feel the need to constantly graze
- Instead of having 3 meals a day you’re supposed to have, you’re having 6 meals a day
- Not sensible and does NOT work for weight loss because your body is never burning fat — doesn’t use stored fat, actually will just store that extra sugar/insulin as a long chain triglyceride/fat