Let’s face it, sooner or later your honeymoon with NSNG is going to end. You’ll drive past a restaurant and the smell of onion rings and french fries will make you crazed. You’ll watch your friend order extra whipped cream and caramel sauce on her frappuccino and want to take it from her and shove the whole thing in your mouth. Or your kids will beg you for pizza on Friday night and you’ll be tempted to sneak a slice or three for yourself.
But you’ve come too far and you’ve made too much progress to give up now. Sure, I want you to put a little life into living once in a while, but I don’t want you to binge eat. It’ll feel good for all of 15 seconds, and then the self loathing will hit. Pizza isn’t worth all that. Neither are onion rings or a frappuccino. It’s time to recommit and that means staying away from sugar and grains. I promise. The longer you do it, the easier it gets.
Here are five tips to help you push forward with NSNG when you feel like giving up…
1) Avoid the temptation. If you can’t go to Starbucks without ordering sugary junk, stay away from Starbucks. If you can’t walk passed your pantry without eating a cookie, stop buying cookies. And if you’re having dinner in a restaurant, tell the waiter you don’t want any bread before he brings it out. That way you won’t be tempted. I mean, think about it. Do you have bread before dinner at home? Of course not. So don’t do it when you’re at a restaurant.
2) Eat a healthy snack before you binge on junk. When a craving hits, drink a glass of water. If they craving sticks around, try a healthy alternative like sliced avocado drizzled with olive oil, pickles, a pear, sugar free applesauce, or a fist full of strawberries. By then you should feel full.
3) NSNG is not about becoming “Carb-phobic.” You’ll still eat plenty of fruits (and especially) veggies, which are high in carbs and full of nutrients. In fact, you’re going notice that fruits and veggies will taste a lot better once you’re off of the sugar train.
4) Dabble, don’t devour. Living the NSNG lifestyle doesn’t mean that you have to avoid rice, corn, or wheat for the rest of your life. So if you decide you absolutely have to have some, make sure it’s a side dish and not the main course. I want you to put life into living now and again. I just don’t want you to make it habit.
5) Remember that it’s not a shame to get knocked down. But it would be a shame to stay down. If you give into the craving, don’t give up. We all make mistakes and you don’t have to crucify yourself for it. But don’t give yourself an excuse to keep cheating, either. Get back on your NSNG plan right away and remember how horrible you felt after you ate all that sugar.