As we close out the year, we thought we’d put together a top 10 list featuring some of our favorite episodes of the Angriest Trainer podcast from 2014. It wasn’t an easy task, because we love them all. And we know we’re going to miss some of your favorites, so let us know which we should have included in the comments below. We’d also love to hear suggestions on topics that you’d like to hear about in 2015.
- Setting up the NSNG Kitchen: Episode 232
- Dr. Peter Attia (Weight Loss after 30): Episode 228
- John Lee Dumas (Cross Fit and Following Your Dreams): Episode 323
- The Vitamin Show: Episode 305
- Dr. David Perlmutter (Grain Brain): Episode 266
- Eric Westman (Low Carb, Ketogenic Diets): Episode 245
- Ivor Cummins (The Fat Emperor): Episode 313
- Shawn Stevenson (Quick Weight Loss & Sleep): Episode 282
- Dr. Dominic D’Agostino (Diet vs. Drugs): Episode 262
- Quentin Vennie (Depression & Changing Your Thoughts): Episode 294
Please note that due to server space issues, only the last 50 podcasts are available through iTunes. However, you can listen to all the podcasts through our app, which is available both for iOS and Android. Just go to the app store and search for “Angriest Trainer” or “Vinnie Tortorich.”
Don’t forget to leave your suggestions for topics you’d like to hear about in 2015 in the comments below!