I was on my spinner today in between clients trying to stay in shape. As I’ve written before, it’s pretty much the only time I watch television. I usually try to find something on the History Channel or Comedy Central. It doesn’t matter what I find or where I find it. The commercials all seem to be the same. It’s daytime television. Some commercials try to convince lowlifes to get a nursing assisting degree. It’s a degree to be a nurse’s nurse. Translated: you get to clean bedpans. Another of my favorite commercials…ambulance chasing attorneys. They tell you, while sitting on the couch, how you have a lawsuit against anybody and everybody. I had never heard of some of these mystery ailments until I heard about it on daytime television. Then there’s my all-time favorite of all the commercials. It’s the one where the guy or woman is bragging about losing 100 pounds. Did they go to Jenny Craig? Did they try Weight Watchers? Did they try the myriad of diets out there? Not even close. They lost weight with a lap band. I told you that to tell you this. The lap band procedure and it’s cousin the Fobi Pouch ( an even more drastic surgery) has been around a while. Eventually the person who gets it done is limiting the amount of food where their stomach used to be. The lap band puts a band around the stomach, making it smaller, so it holds less food. These commercials show these people as very proud of their success. The fact of the matter is, they shouldn’t be proud at all. They’ve succeeded at nothing. Eventually a person who has to have any of these procedures is literally a person who cannot be trusted with their stomach. Why do I care? It’s simple. Usually these morbidly obese people (the ones dragging down the healthcare system) say they’ve tried everything to lose weight but can’t. Apparently the one thing they’ve never tried was to eat less.