I’m not quite sure when this post will appear. It should go up in a few days. What you may not know is that I sometimes write several blogs in a row. The posts go up on subsequent days. The only reason I bring it up is because this blog is being written on Jan. 1, also known as New Year’s Day. I spoke to a few old friends today. Everyone seems to be talking about resolutions. I’ve never actually understood the whole resolution thing. I generally feel I don’t have anything to resolve. I also know the first day of the year means absolutely nothing. The calendar is a man-made thing. The fact that we get back to the same day every 365 days means nothing to me. It’s just an arbitrary day that we’ve decided to celebrate. The thing that really makes it odd is that we decide to celebrate all of our holidays around the same time of year. Wouldn’t it be more fun to spread them out a bit? Think about it. You have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas and the New Year all within about two months. If that’s not bad enough, we’re trying to stuff another one in there called Kwanzaa. It would be nice if we could air them out a bit. But that’s just me talking. I told you that to tell you this. Do I have any resolve in the new year? No, not really. Do I think it’s a good idea since we do have a man-made holiday allowing us to start anew? We can quit a bad habit and maybe pick up a few good ones. Enjoy the holiday, but keep in mind that life is short, so don’t hold back. Do everything you want to do. Don’t wait.
There’s a famous quote from Seinfeld where George wants to do everything he wants in one summer. It’s called “The Summer of George.” Maybe we should all do the same thing. Make it “The Year of You.”