I was training one of my favorite clients late yesterday afternoon. Let’s call him Max because that’s his name. Max is 12. He’s been a client of mine for the better part of two years. I know what you’re thinking…this is an L.A. story. Since I have people who read this blog from around the planet, some of my readers might not understand a 10-year-old with a fitness trainer. You know what? It makes plenty of sense. I had known Max for several years. His mom has been a client of mine forever. Max spent too much time sitting around playing video games and not getting out. At the ripe old age of 10, he realized he was pudgy and out of shape. Even though he goes to a high-falutin’ private school, P.E. is just not what it used to be. Do they even administer the President’s Physical Fitness Challenge anymore? I applaud Max for realizing he was headed to a problem and doing something about it. Luckily his family has the means to support it. But I digress. Yesterday Max and I decided to take it to the gym and pump a little iron. We always start with a 20-minute aerobic warmup like running on the treadmill or riding the stationary bike. To kill the time, we turn on the television. I told you that to tell you this. As I flipped through the channels, looking for something Max would want to watch, I came across the Dr. Oz show.

As I mentioned yesterday on this blog, he had on Deepak Chopra. I asked Max if he would mind watching it since I did a blog on it. Max also wanted to learn the secret to losing weight and turning back the clock. The first thing the self-proclaimed guru talked about was reversing age. His advice? Take an aspirin every day. Take 2,000 milligrams of fish oil every day. Take a multivitamin every day. And also take vitamin D3 every day. Here’s the funny part folks. I do all of that. Although I think it’s all a really good insurance policy, I don’t see myself getting younger. Then this whack job went on to explain how to lose weight. First they had to take a commercial break. I asked young Max if he wanted to change the channel. “You kidding me? I want to hear the secrets,” he said. To be honest, I did too. So what was the big secret to losing weight? Chopra said…meditate. You can meditate your weight way. The first words out of the 12-year-old’s mouth? “Bullshit.” I added, “Wow, he’s telling us to sit still and do nothing to lose weight.” Max then asked what I did yesterday in this blog, “If this guy is an expert, why is he fat?” I said, “Max, Buddha was fat too, and nobody meditated as much as he did.”