I haven’t felt well the last week. Apparently there’s a pretty bad flu going around L.A. and I got it. Because of that I was sitting around last night and got roped into watching a show I wouldn’t generally turn on. When a 13 year old says pretty please and bats her eyes at you, I melt quicker than a popsicle in hell. So there I was watching The Bachelor. The other thing I didn’t realize was that it was a 2-hour special. That’s right folks, I was there for the duration. I thought it was a fairly interesting show. They get this really good looking guy (who I later found out was on the show before) and put him in a mansion in the hills above Malibu. Turns out I know exactly where the mansion is. We pass it on our weekend bike rides. It’s up on a hill and has a vineyard below it. One of my riding buddies, Jonathan, is always trying to guess the price of it. I figure at any number I still can’t afford it. But I digress. The show shouldn’t be called The Bachelor, it should be called A Man’s Fantasy. Here’s how it works. The guy has around 20 really hot chicks clamoring for him. He gets the use of the mansion and gets to roll around in a $250,000 sports car. Here’s what I loved. Every time this jackass walked into a room, the girls applauded. I mean all the guy had to do was walk and they clapped for him. I can’t help but think some of it is staged. Let’s face it, Elvis didn’t even get that kind of attention. Not to give the producers any other ideas, but these girls did everything but wipe this guy’s ass. Toward the end of the show, the guy has to kick a few girls off, per the competition rules. So if you don’t end up with a rose, you’re outta there. I was somewhat confused. The girls who didn’t make it cried like they were at a funeral. That’s when one girl through her tears said, “I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried everything.” She said she’s tried going to bars, dating at work and at the gym. None worked. She then said she tried Internet dating. Also nothing. “I give up, I’ve tried everything. It’s over for me,” she concluded. I told you that to tell you this. Obviously it’s not over for this girl. She’s young and good looking. If finding a man and wanting to be married is the ultimate goal, she’ll find it. I see this too often when it comes to weight loss. People come to me in a last-ditch effort and say they’ve tried everything. They’ve been on every diet, used every piece of equipment and tried every exercise class there is, from yoga to power plate to spinning to boot camp. It’s all failed. I’m just supposed to be fat. I’m here to tell you it’s not over until it’s over. There is always a way out. There is always a way to lose weight. Look at some of these morbidly obese people of put in a lap band. The only thing the lap band does is restrict them from eating the large amount of food they were eating before. Once they cut down on it, they lose weight. It’s not magic. So you may want to ask yourself when you are trying everything to lose weight…have you tried not eating as much?