I’m going to admit something here. I’ve only read a few blogs my entire life. Or should I say, since blogging became a thing (which is not my entire life, but the last few years). You know what? I’ve never read one that I liked. Here’s why: In general, people don’t know how to write. The ones that do, don’t have anything useful to say. When it comes to doing their blog, they end up talking about what happened in their day. Then there is the blog’s first cousin…Twitter. Everyone told me I had to be on Twitter. So I signed up. I tried to play along for a while, tweeting and such. The crazy thing is people tweet everything. They can’t take a dump without letting you know about it. I’m still not sure what Twitter is for, or why we should care about it. I told you that to tell you this. When I started this Web site, SaveGasBurnFat.com, I was told to write a blog once or twice a week. That blog would build up my SEO, search engine optimization. I asked why blog once or twice a week? I can blog every day. I was told nobody could come up with something interesting to say every day. I asked, “Why not?” I’ve been on this planet 48 years. That’s roughly 17,520 days. I’ve seen a lot, learned a lot and lived a lot. I figured a blog was nothing more than spewing out that. Since I’ve started doing this blog consistently, I haven’t missed a day, except for Sundays when my friend Andy does his recipes. I want to thank him for that. People love his recipes. I get compliments from around the world. Thank you, Andy. I’ve published 214 blogs in a row. Let’s be honest, I’m full of crap, and this crap will be flowing for some time. I appreciate the loyal readers who return on a daily basis. I welcome each and every new reader. Thank you.