“You are my candy girl, and you got me wanting you.” – The Archies
I grew up in Louisiana. The state’s biggest cash crop was sugar cane. I won’t lie to you, I’m addicted to sugar like everyone else. I’d have to say it’s my biggest vice. We all seem to know that sugar is bad for us. If you ask most people, they’d say the reason is because it will rot your teeth and cause you to gain weight. These two reasons should be enough to make anyone stay away from excess sugar. But we don’t. Why? Like any other drug or alcohol, it makes us high. It increases dopamine and serotonin in your brain. That makes us feel good. Listed below are nine reasons why sugar is bad for you. By far, these are not the only reasons. There are literally hundreds. We will revisit this subject once a week for a while. The hope is that by writing it, I will curtail my own sugar use. By you reading it, you will be armed with the knowledge to do the same. I told you that to tell you this.
9 reasons why sugar is bad for you
1. Sugar causes hyperactivity, anxiety and crankiness in children. The last thing we need is hyperactive kids.
2. Sugar can raise triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides have been linked to poor health and weight gain.
3. Sugar can reduce the body’s defenses against bacterial infection. I can’t remember when or how I learned this, but if we have too much sugar in our system when we have the common cold, all the vitamin C in the world won’t help.
4. Sugar can cause the body to lose tissue elasticity and function. As we get older we automatically lose muscle tissue and elasticity. By eating sugar, we put the system into overdrive.
5. Sugar can lead to cancer of the ovaries. This should be reason enough not to overeat sugar. I remember when I went through my own battle with cancer. One of the common themes was cancer feeds on sugar.
6. Sugar interferes with the body’s absorption of calcium and magnesium. We need both to build bones. Our bodies lose both minerals through sweat. If you exercise heavily, sugar is not your friend.
7. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia. When you raise your glycemic index, your body releases certain hormones. Those hormones can and will make you fat.
8. Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract. Put simply, this can cause pain.
9. Sugar can contribute to premature aging. Need I say more?