“It’s a man’s world.” – James Brown

When I was a kid, I was in New Orleans with my dad one day. We walked into the Acme Oyster House, just off of Bourbon Street. Their tagline was, “Best Oysters Ever.” I guess they didn’t know who they were dealing with when my skinny 10-year-old butt walked in. Why? My mom’s side of the family was from a small fishing community in Calabria, Italy. When they moved to the United States, they continued fishing and had an oyster shop in an area of the town I grew up in called “Froggymo.” It was called this because it was on the edge of town and you could hear bullfrogs chirping every night. It’s where most of the Italians lived in the largely Cajun town. My Papa Tripode could open a dozen oysters quicker than I could open a jar of peanut butter. The Acme Oyster House had big shoes to fill that day. Although I enjoyed the oysters, I learned a valuable lesson in life. Just because someone says they’re the best, doesn’t make them the best. I told you that to tell you this. Almost 20 years ago today on September 17, 1990, a woman named Lisa Olson was sexually harassed in the New England Patriots locker room. I’m not here to pass judgment, I wasn’t there, so I don’t know what happened. Suffice it to say, if you walk into an NFL locker room after a game, expect to see more swinging cocks than you would at a West Hollywood bath house on a Saturday night.
I remember my own football days at Tulane back in the early 1980s. We were too tired and too beat up to go diving into lockers every time a woman walked in. You get what you pay for in those situations. Here we are 20 years later.

Now we’re faced with a girl who literally calls herself the “Hottest Sports Reporter in Mexico,” also known as Ines Sainz. If I may digress for just a moment, she ain’t that hot. She’s more like the chick who hangs out with the hot chick. She’s the one who’s easy pickings at around 2 a.m., just before closing time.
Let’s face it, Hannah Storm is hotter. In my opinion, her 15 minutes were up 20 minutes ago. The big question is, was this girl sexually harassed or is this more of her get-more-attention campaign?
Did she just pull a page from the Erin Andrews playbook? Remember her? She’s the one who claimed she was videotaped through a hotel peephole. Let’s face it, she was hitting her marks pretty well to be shot through a peephole. Hollywood couldn’t get those pictures with a three-camera shoot. Once again, I digress. If Miss Sainz was harassed, I applaud the NFL for investigating. But if it’s determined that she wasn’t, I say she has to pay retribution. I for one am sick and tired of semi-hot chicks using their looks as a career move.